Friday, July 13, 2012

If you are looking for a special Marriage Celebrant who will help you create the perfect wedding ceremony for your special occasion, please get in touch with Penny Eames at

Penny can work with you and your partner as you design a ceremony that will be about you and your life and your dreams.    She has some templates you can choose from, or you can search the internet and choose your own ceremony.   Some ceremonies have families involved and some are just about your and your partner, Penny has conducted weddings with over 400 guests and also weddings with only the bride, groom and the necessary two witnesses.  

Penny has conducted weddings throughout New Zealand in lots of locations.     Waikanae Beach is perfect for a wedding, but Nga Manu Bird Research is also a special place for a ceremony. 

Some people just want to use there own home, their garden or at a restaurant.   Whatever you choose she can help you make the ceremony fit.

Penny has also conducted weddings with a translator for guests who do not have English as a first language.   These ceremonies are very special.

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